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Microman 2004 Series

Takara Material Force Special Edition Microman Micro Trainer Machine - SDCC 2004 Exclusive (7/22/04)


Material Force





Electronic Virus Microman - On Board & GGPX Shops Exclusive (5/26/04)
Death Blaze (White)

Death Blaze (Red)


Quanto Promotion Neko Zero One Magazine Lucky Draw Prize (6/04)

AX-04 ST Stealth Biom


Material Force Special Edition Microman - SDCC 2004 Exclusive (7/21/04)
Micro Trainer Machine


Neighborhood Original Dark Army Microman - HDP Mail Away Exclusive (7/30/04)

Dark Army


Mission Force Microman Quanto Neko Zero-One Mook Exclusive (8/04)

MFX-01 Jin (Side Sword)

MFX-02 Xiang-ni (Side Shield)


Lady Material Force Biomachine Campaign Promotion Mail-away (11/04)
Lady Material Force (Flesh)








Micro Trainer Machine figures were sold as Comic Con 2004 Exclusive at San Diego Convention Center USA. The figures were packaged in small vinyl sleeve similar to the packaging for the Death Blaze figures. Above and below are the letterings and logos found on the packaging.





SDCC Micro Trainer Machine 

Micro Trainer Machines were training robot partners used by Master Force Microman to practice their fighting skills. They were basically punching bags for the Masters. The figures were also double as Material Force style figures. (See also Material Force section for info on other Material Force figures).



Microman New Stand

Since this figure belong to both Microman Master Force and Material Force, Takara included the figure stand that normally was not included with Material Force figure.


Microman Master Force Material Force Special Edition Micro Trainer Machine was the first exclusive Microman to be released in the US. The figures were sold at 2004 San Diego Comic Con where Takara-USA unveiled the plan for marketing Microman directly to US market. The figure was basically a two tone Material Force figure with grayish blue body and white limbs. They were limited to about 800 pieces at SDCC (with production run of 1200 pieces) and were sold in clear vinyl sleeve similar to the Death Blaze Electronic Virus figures. The package had Microman logo and figure description along with "COMIC-CON 2004". From the description this unique figure belong to both the Microman Master Force series and Material Force series. Micro Trainer Machines were seen in Microman CG Story catalog and were used as punching bags for Master Force Microman. The figure came with stand and five matching set of hands.