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Microman 2004 Series

Takara Lady Material Force Biomachine Campaign Mail-away - Lady Material Force Flesh Color (11/04)


Material Force





Electronic Virus Microman - On Board & GGPX Shops Exclusive (5/26/04)
Death Blaze (White)

Death Blaze (Red)


Quanto Promotion Neko Zero One Magazine Lucky Draw Prize (6/04)

AX-04 ST Stealth Biom


Material Force Special Edition Microman - SDCC 2004 Exclusive (7/21/04)
Micro Trainer Machine


Neighborhood Original Dark Army Microman - HDP Mail Away Exclusive (7/30/04)

Dark Army


Mission Force Microman Quanto Neko Zero-One Mook Exclusive (8/04)

MFX-01 Jin (Side Sword)

MFX-02 Xiang-ni (Side Shield)


Lady Material Force Biomachine Campaign Promotion Mail-away (11/04)
Lady Material Force (Flesh)









Lady Material Force was send out in small yellow envelope with the figure wrap inside a bubble wrap and plastic bags. There was also a paper insert (see below).







Takara began selling Microman Material Force as limited edition at Toys R Us store as a test market in 2003. The idea was that fans could used these Microman core body as "material" for their Microman custom project. The series was very popular and when Microman line fully revived in 2004, Takara included Material Force as a full fledge sub-series. So far beside the mail-away Flesh Color, Takara has yet to release any Female Body for Material Force line. (Above is the second run of Microman Rover)



Microman Lady Material Force Flesh Color was offered in special mail-away promotion for Microman Biomachine series. By sending proof of purchase stamps from each of the four Biomachine packages, Takara would send one Flesh color Lady Material Force figure. So far this was the only Lady Body being done as part of the Material Force line. The figure was essential flesh color Microman Female Full Action Body. The body came with flat feet and medium size chest. Takara included the standard set of hands (on clear holder) that came with Lady Microman figure. The material used for the hands was much better than those used for Material Force Rover and match up better with the figure body color. The figure was much better than some of the recent Female Body releases and had very tight joints. The pelvic, again, was no longer glue to the torso section. For now, Takara have yet plan to release any other Female Material Force which made this figure quite unique among the Material Forces.


Above is sample of the coupon (front and back) used for sending the proof of purchase stamps from Biomachine packages to obtain the mail-away Lady Material Force Flesh Color. Special thanks to Tomoyoshi Araki for sending me this sample and for helping many fans outside Japan participated in this offer.