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MYCLONE (Micron) Series

AS-02 Acroyear & Cyborg (12/2002)


AS-02 Acroyear

MYCLONE (Micron) Series


AS-01 (7/02)
Microman & Cyborg


AS-02 (12/02)
Acroyear & Cyborg


AS-03 (1/03)
Transformers #1


AS-04 (3/03)
Transformers #2


AS-05 / TF AS-03 (7/03) 
Transformers #3


AS-06 / SF AS-03  (8/03)

Shonen Cyborg


AS-???? (10/03)

Tsubaraya #1

Other MYCLONE Series

AniMYCLONE (12/02)

ZenMYCLONE (04/03)
Wind-up Motor MYCLONE

Exclusive MYCLONE




Takara released second series MYCLONE in December of 2002 after a month delay.  Second series MYCLONE (AS-02) again consisted of characters from Microman Zone and Henshin Cyborg Group.  This time the main attraction for the set was the first series Acroyear (A30X type) done in MYCLONE brick figure style.  Like the first assortment, AS-02 can be divided into four group Microman (M), Cyborgs (MC, MK, MH & MK), Android A (MB & MA) and the "generic" MYCLONE MS figure.  There were sixteen figures in the AS-02 with four being the rare chase figures.

MYCLONE was sold as a trading-card style collectible.  Each figure came inside a sealed individual box with twelve box per display case. 

MYCLONE AS-02 Checklist


M-A301 Red Star

M-A302 Silver Star

M-A303 Blue Star

MH003 Cyborg-1 (gold)

MW003 King Walder-1 (yellow)

MW011 Dokuro King

MH021 Bashark-S

MK012 Dakoking

MK021 Dokumorg

MR011 Clone Bot 01

MA021 Ucyujing

MS031 (retro robot)


Secret Figures


M-A304 Green Star

MC004 Cyborg-1 (blue)

MW004 Green King Walder1



Microman : M-A301, M-A302, & M-A303




Microman group consisted of only one series - M series. The M series had four block figures based on the original Acroyear from Microman series - M-A301 Red Star, M-A302 Silver Star, M-A303 Blue Star and M-A304 Green Star.  Each figure came with beautiful metallic chest plate with chrome head, ball fists and even chrome Acro-wings.

MH003 Cyborg-1 (gold), MW003 King Walder-1 (yellow) & MW011 Dokuro King




The Cyborg Group MC & MW series this time consisted of MC003 Gold Henshin Cyborg 1, MW003 Yellow King Walder 1 and MW011 Dokuro King. The gold Cyborg 1 came with yellow tint clear head just like the vintage Gold Cyborg 1 figure.  MW011 was Purple King Walder 1 as Skeleton King. There were two "costume" monsters in this second assortment - MK021 Dokumorg and MK012 Dakoking (red) and one "costume" hero. MK021 was a new clear green spider-man monster and MK012 was a repaint octopus-man monster from the first assortment (AS-01). The good guy side get brand new transforming hero - a shark-man named MH021 Bashark-S. Like the first assortment, these hero and monster were inspired by the live-action show of the 70's and Bashark-S look eerily like Bashan from Bibyun TV series.

MH021 Bashark-S, MA012 Dako-king (red) & MK021 Dokumorg




The Android group got another android figure the MB011 Clone Bot 01 which resemble the Android A Machine Robot.  This time the Alien Invader got a new orange Cyclops-alien MA021 Ucyujin- G.  The figure had chest piece that look like Alien O,Z,J chest and it even had the same glitter-style body as the O,Z,J.

MB011 Clone Bot 01, MA021 Ucyujin-G & MS031 (retro robot)




The basic MS series figure this time was a silver color robot that reminiscent of the old 70's style tin robot.  The four chase figures were M-A304 Acroyear-Green Star, MC004 Blue Cyborg-1, MW004 Green King Walder and a gray granite MS figure. (I am not sure what he was suppose to be or what was his significant).