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Medicom RAH Series

RAH 100 Micro Batta Set


Real Action Heroes RAH



RAH100 Tron (2001)
A: Tron & Orange Light Cycle

B: Flynn & Red Light Cycle

C: Soldier & Yellow Light Cycle

D: Sark & Blue Light Cycle


RAH100 Micro Batta (2003)
A: Cocobatta & Insecta

B: Skullhead & Dark Insecta




RAH100 Micro Batta set featured characters from RAH The Cro-Magnons series.

Micro Batta set used the basic RAH100 body that was used by RAH100 Tron.

For those not familiar with Cocobatta (Cocobat Joe), here is a brief story, Cocobat Joe is a character created by band member (named Take-shit, yes just like it spell) of hardcore punk rock Japan rock group call Cocobat. Take-shit, beside being a bass player, also a big fan of Takara Henshin Cyborg and Microman. Medicom (under licensed from Takara then) produced special RAH version of Cocobat Joe figure (which look a lot like Henshin Cyborg with clear body styling and vinyl costume set) and the series soon gain a cult following. Several figures were released including the enemy Skull-Head, several costumes and the grasshopper costume based on the album cover design by artist Pushead. There was some limited run of Micro Batta Take-shit and Skull-head before as show exclusives, the Medicom set just made these cult favorite more readily available.


Set A featured the good guy - Micro Batta (Take-shit) and his grasshopper insect form (Insecta Man)

Set B featured the "dark villain" - Skullhead and dark version of Insecta