Takara begin 2006 for the core Microman
line with two new series in April. There are total of six new figures,
three for Microman side and three for Acroyear side. Microman series are
called the Assassins Force and are based on last year Microman Falcon
Assassin Force concept. Acroyear series are called XADO (in keeping with
the letter "x" theme). XADO is a pun on Japanese word "jado" which
roughly translates to evil way or evil path. Both XADO and Assassins
Force are the first Microman 200X to have all Japanese names and are
heavily influenced by Japanese theme and designs.
The new Assassin Force Microman consist of AF-11
AF-12 Kyoushiro and AF-13 Yume - a lone Microlady in the group. Unlike
Acroyear side, Microlady use the same designation as the male team
members. Assassins Force theme is darkness and light, the dual nature of
these new Microman. On the surface they are just like any ordinary
Microman, but secretly they are assassins that hunt down the Acroyears
and oppose the XADO.
Microman Shouma
Shouma is a clear bluish-gray Microman
Full Action Body type with silver and white trims. Like the other
Assassin Force, Shouma comes with minimal armors and a single weapon -
the double-necks guitar call "Dark Beat". Dark Beat has hidden sword
inside the top part and a dagger tip claw-weapon in the lower neck. The
guitar come attached to metal chain and is another "borrow" design from
a popular anime. The armor and weapon set for Shouma fit well and the
figure has nice joints and free of defects that plague many of the last
year series.