Takara originally release Microman
Military Force series in 2004. Military Force use modified Microman Full
Action Body with several 3mm ports added throughout the body. Military
Force are droids army created by Acroyear and which later were copy by
M.I.C.R.. It was later reveal that the Military Force were
designed by Acroyear Emperor in his image and that the reason why they
resembled the Acroyear EXO. Microman side of Military Force has
different head than Acroyear side, but they are otherwise identical. The
main feature of Military Force are the various weapons set that can be
used to customize each figure. Toy's Dream Project (a toys distributors
in Japan), release two special limited edition Military Force figures;
one for Microman Side : MF-09 Noble Platinum and one for Acroyear Side :
MF4-10 Navy Assassins.
Acroyear Side : MF4-10 Navy Assassin is
metallic purple with glitter flake Acroyear Military Force figure. He
has clear blue joints. The joints are a bit loose especially his ankles
and his mid-body joint and clearly show the mold degrade quite a bit
from the first Military Force series. (Noble thick chrome layer help to
mask this problem by making overall joint tighter. His glitter flake
plastic body color is unique looking but not as nice as the gold plated
on Noble, however Navy has one saving grace and it is his beautiful blue chromed weapon set.