2004 Series Microman
Biomachine Series -BM-02 Machine Tiger with Machine Force MF03-03
Machine Microman Hack (9/30/04) |
Force |
Force (Reissue) (2/04)
MF1-01 Commander Microman
Ninja Microman
Gunner Microman
Spy Microman
Force (3/25/04)
MF2-01 Skymaster Hayate
Groundmaster Alan
Divemaster Roberto
Automaster Ryan
AX-11 AcroScorl
Lady (5/28/04)
ML1-01 Commanderlady Diane
Ninjalady Shina
Lady (5/28/04)
AL-11 AcroVena
& Machine Force Microman (9/30/04)
Mirror & MM Xeku
Stinger & MM Godoh
Tiger & MM Hack
Kong & MM Trinity
& Instruction
Biomachine series came in the same Microman 2004 beautifully done removable blister card
style packaging. The backing card had very nice picture
of the toy with all the accessories on display in the
blister window. As a nice touch, the bubble blister had
a nice heavy machinery design with the figure packaged
in separate compartment. The
packaging was bigger than the previous Microman 2004 to accommodate
the vehicle.
Hack Story
has the most power and the most state-of-the-art driving machine
in the Biomachine team. On this futuristic buggy with super
micro wheels, Hack can handle all kinds of terrain and travel at
high speed under any conditions.
came package with new Microman catalog - "Infomercial
Vol.02". The package also contains "Proof of
Purchase" and by mailing in all four proof of purchase from
the Biomachine toys one can get exclusive Lady Material Force
from Takara. (Offer good in Japan only)
New Stand
2004 came with new style figure stand. The stand
features Microman "Da Vinci's The Vetruvian Man" style logo emboss
on clear plastic with two styles of foot pegs - one for
the newer Microman 2004 figures and one for the old
Microman figures with the 5mm port. |
2004 Biomachine series was released on September 30th 2004. Unlike the
previous series, the Biomachine consisted not only of Microman and
armors but also a vehicle (Biomachine). This marked the first time full
size vehicle was produced for the 2004 line. The vehicles (called
Biomachine) were also part of a combiner and when combined with other
Biomachines, they made Microman Bio-Suit. (The name was a homage to the
Real Microman series toy from 1980's). While the series main attraction
was these Biomachine vehicles, the figure that came with them, however,
was not just afterthought redeco of the old 2004 figures. Instead,
Takara had fully redesigned the core body for the new Machine Force
Machine Microman figures. The Machine Microman figures, while retained
the same basic design of Full-Action Body, had been entirely design from
top to bottom. The Machine Microman had more "machine"-like
look than the previous series, actually the new design was more akin to
the Magne Powers and LED Powers figures. Beside the more mechanical
look, the figure also added many ports and pegs similar to Beta Midget
figures. One of the more notable feature of the Machine Microman figures
was the inclusion of "true" 5mm port in the back of the figure
(though still in the higher position than the vintage figure). |
Machine Force Microman, like
previous 2004 series, followed a certain theme and design. Takara
interestingly based the designs of these Machine Microman on Chinese
epic story called "Tripitaka" or also better known as
"Monkey Magic". Actually the words "Machine Force"
(in Japanese) was a play on the words "Monkey Magic". Machine
Force consisted of four members - Xeku (the monkey), Microman
Godoh (the fish), Microman Hack (the pig) and Microman Trinity (the
priest). The Machine Force were not always look like this. They,
according to the story, were like other Microman in appearance. But the
Machine Force members were badly injured in one of the battle and they
were rebuild with machinery parts and thus they became the "Machine
Microman". They are now part Microman and part machines, which made
them the first true cyborg for Microman 2004 series. |
Machine Tiger & Machine Microman Hack was the third member of the
Micro Force Biomachine. Hack was suppose to be the "pig"
character in Monkey Magic story but the design seem to reflect very little
of that. What I find strange was the lack of the lack of his infamous rake
weaponry. Hack, like other Machine Microman members, had clear purple-blue
body with tan / gold body armor and light gold metallic chest plate, lower
legs, and shoulder pads. I was a little surprise for his color choice
since Xeku had bright metallic red, Godoh was metallic blue but Hack had
what appeared to be lighter version of Trinity. His packaging was done in
green, so may be the color was suppose to be greenish gold chrome but the
final product was just more gold than green. The new body had several
ports that allowed the clear "Bio-Tech" part from the Biomachine
vehicle to be attached to the figure and transformed Machine Microman into
"Bio-Tech" mode. Machine Tiger, like Machine Stinger was a
homage to the old design. The name "Tiger" of course was a
reference to another Spy Magician Spy Cars Drag Tiger and the
vehicle trike theme was clearly borrowed from Drag Tiger and Auto Buggy.
The vehicle even had clear blue parts that designed to look like crossbow
from Drag Tiger and seat from Auto Buggy.
Biomachine was definitely an excellent addition to 2004 series. The added
vehicle that can combine to form mechanical suit made the already
excellent series even more attractive. The parts fitting of Tiger was
excellent with all the parts fit nice and snug on both the vehicle and the
figure. Granted on Machine Tiger the design was a lot more simple than the
Mirror and Kong. While the simplistic design of Machine Tiger might seem
to make the figure and toy not as exciting as the others, but for Microman
2004 line sometimes less is more and Tiger is another example of that. The
overall design might be simplistic but the toy really got it where it
count from nice homage to Microman various trike designs but yet loaded
with superb mechanical detailing such as the simulated hydraulic parts and
engines. My only
complain for Hack would be the color scheme that was just too similar to
One of the
nice feature of Bio-Suit was the fact that all the parts were used for the
construction and no parts were left behind. Below rear view of Bio-Suit.
beside being "machines" for Microman Machine Force to ride
around, they also can be combine together to form an armor suit called
"Bio-Suit". The combination process was pretty simple with no
parts left over after the Bio-Suit was formed which was very nice. The
design of the suit itself was more like mechanical power-suit from the
Matrix movie than from the old Dougram style. The parts, surprisingly fit
well together. The only problem was again the clear parts. Microman
Bio-Suit also had several points of articulations and the pilot legs even
move along with the robot legs! The change from plain clear parts to clear
blue really help added to the overall look and appearance. Originally, I
did not care much for the all chrome design, but the actual toy really
proved me wrong as the Bio-Suit was not only a very beautiful looking
"mecha" but one with excellent details and even superb
articulations to boost.