Takara released Command Car Series - Command
Car 4 Twin Racer in December of 1977. Microman "Cars" series were series
of vehicles that designed to be used with Microman figures. These
vehicles consist mostly of plastic parts that connect together using 5mm
connectors. (Cosmo Cars Series 2 was the only series with die-cast metal
parts). The "Cars" series were very popular due to the low price point
and often time the vehicles also come packaged with Microman figure.
Command Cars line-up consisted of four vehicles - #1 Racing Buggy, #2
Tyrell Machine, #3 Earth Jetter and #4 Twin Racer. All four of the
Command Car vehicles were sold in two versions, one with Microman figure
pack-in which include exclusive helmet and the other without Microman
figure and helmet part. Aside from Command Car #3 Earth Jetter, the
other three vehicles are all based on race car theme of the Command
command car 4 - twin racer
Twin Racer is a mixture of
dragster and motorcycle racer with a side car. The vehicle body is mostly
red with black bottom and chromed engine parts. The vehicle is construct by using
5mm connectors which make this toy very interchangeable with other toys in
the original Microman line. Microman figure can be seat easily into the
driver section while the side-car slot can easily seat a passenger. There is
a handle bars for the driver (to give it that "bike" like appearance). The
engine block can be reposition to the rear in alternate mode and Microman
5mm port can be plug into the 5mm peg on the engine block. Takara shows two
alternate modes for Twin Racers but with the use of 5mm system the vehicle
can be configure in numerous configurations especially when combine with
other Microman Command Cars. The pack-in version of Twin Racer includes
Microman Command 2 M162 Sheriff (blue and white) with special bonus racing
helmet that can only be found in this version.
Command Car Series Checklist*
command car 1 racing buggy
(with M154)
command car 2 tyrell machine
(with M162)
command car 3 earth jetter
(with M151)
command car 4 twin racer
(with M161)
*takara also sold command
cars without the pack-in figure
Microman Command Series
Command Car 4 -
Twin Racer
Released : 12/1977
Retail Price :
850 Yen
Command Car
packaging design is similar to 1975 Machine Car series packaging
design. The box art shows the actual toy with Microman figure in
a bubble seal that visible thru the die-cut window. The back of
the box show the stats of the vehicles along with pictures of
other available Command Car vehicles.
Instruction &
Stickers |
Command Car come
with separate sheet of instruction along with sticker sheet for
decorating the vehicle. This particular sample of Command Car 4,
the stickers were badly damage by moisture.
1977 Microman Catalog
Racer Included!
The pack-in version of
Command Car #4 Twin Racer comes with Microman Command 2 M162 Sheriff.
Exclusive Helmet
M162 Sheriff comes with this
special racing helmet that can only be found with pack-in version of
Command Car #4. (Vehicle only version did not include the helmet).
Anti-Gravity Wings
M162 comes with Microman
Command series trademark Anti-Gravity Leg Wings. The set however did not
included the capsule.