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Henshin Cyborg - Shonen 2000 Series
King Walder Jr. Kaijin Set - Skeleton King Jr.  (10/2000) 


Skeleton King Jr. came in similar style window box as the 12" vinyl version released in 1998 for Neo-Cyborg series.


Skeleton King Jr. came with two set of hands (open and closed) and one set of feet.  It also came with KW Jr. humanoid head in clear.  The clear humanoid head was the only difference between this blue KW Jr. and the Takara e-Shop VS Set version.  

Skeleton King Jr.

Takara originally released Skeleton King as add-on armor for original King Walder in 1972.  (The armor was sold on blister card and also together with 12" purple King Walder as Skeleton King.)  For Shonen 2000 series, Takara released 8" version of Skeleton King armor set for reproduction King Walder Jr.  Skeleton King Jr. body is the same as the blue King Walder Jr. that was sold with Silver Shonen Cyborg in the VS set. (The VS set was Takara e-Shop exclusive).