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1979 Rescue

1979 Rescue Microman Series

Microman Rescue Machine - Rescue 2 Bongo with M261 Chris (c.1979)



Rescue Bongo came with two alternate harpoon heads.

 M261 Chris (vintage)

(See also 1979 Rescue 1 Jetter)

(See also 1979 Rescue Bird 3-4-5)


Takara released Rescue 2 Bongo in 1979 along with Rescue 1 Jetter.  Bongo was the second toy released in the Rescue Machine series.  Takara also released Bongo in the Rescue 1-2 box set with Rescue 1 Jetter.

Microman Rescue 2 Bongo was design as an all terrain rescue vehicle.  Bongo featured six wheels, harpoon and working crankshaft pulley.  Bongo also double as medical emergency vehicle.  The back of Bongo had fold up cargo area, pull-out stretcher and compartment for injure Microman.   Bongo was molded in all white color (ambulance color) with simulate red strobe light.

Bongo came with Rescue Crew Microman M261 Chris.  Takara also included two other alternated heads for the harpoon gun.  Bongo featured limited 5mm compatibility, however, the vehicle was design so it can be dock with Rescue 1 Jetter.