Rescue 1 Jetter was packaged in
small box with window slit for viewing the figure. The package
feature the familiar artwork of Moritou from Microman manga (comic).
Jetter came with two extra alternate
harpoon heads.
M251 Robin
(See also 1979
2 Bongo)
(See also 1979
Rescue Bird 3-4-5)
Takara released Rescue 1 Jetter during the
first half of 1979. Jetter was the first in the Rescue Machine
Series. The toy was released along with its companion piece -
Rescue 2 Bongo. Takara also released Rescue 1-2 Box set which
consisted of Rescue Jetter and Rescue Bongo together in one box.
Rescue Jetter was design as aerial rescue
vehicle. Jetter 1 came with harpoon gun and extendable
claw (similar to Robotman hands) in the front. Jetter 1 also came with
fold up rear cargo section. The cargo section can be removed and
allowed Rescue Bongo to dock with Jetter. The vehicle was mold in dark
blue color with red trim for the lower half, wings, cargo section, and
Rescue Jetter came with M251 Robin, a Rescue
Crew Microman. Takara also included two alternate heads for the
harpoon. Jetter featured 5mm system and was fully
interchangeable with other Microman toys.