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1979 Microman Rescue Crew Series

Microman Base Series - Rescue Microman New Conning Tower Base (c.1979)


New Conning Tower Base came in the typical second term style Rescue packaging. (Without Moritou artworks and featured kids playing with toys much like the package from early Microman-Zone era.


The New Conning Tower came with the same accessories as the original Conning Tower. Takara widened the cockpit section but it still a very tight fit for the later Microman series figures.

Takara included this round platform with "rev-up" motor unit inside which can be used as a rear wheels for the plane (and gives it motorized power) or as hover board for a Microman.

Here is a close-up look of the new observation deck.  Many parts of the New Conning Tower were re-design to better suit the bulkier Rescue Microman.

Back View

Note the new ventral fin and re-design engine ports.  Takara also closed off the two rear seats since they would be too small for the current Microman figures (they were design for the slimmer Microman barefoot) and turned them into airbrakes.


(See Also - 1974 Microman Zone - M115 Conning Tower Base)

Takara released Microman New Conning Tower Base during the second half of Rescue Series in 1979.  The New Conning Tower Base was a recolor and retool of the original 1974 Conning Tower Base (Micronauts - Mobile Exploration Lab).

The New Conning Tower retained the basic look of the original 1974 version but with new color scheme of red, white and blue.  Takara gave the Tower Base a brand new plane section so it would look more "modern" and also it needed a wider pilot cockpit for the bulkier Rescue Crew Microman.   Takara also replaced the observatory dome with open style look.  The New Tower, like the original, must be assemble using small crews and nuts (provided).

The New Conning Tower Base came with the same accessories as the original version.  Takara also included a new set of rear wheels for the plane section.  The new wheels came in a round platform and contained a "rev-up" motor inside.   The new wheel platform had 5 mm peg so a Microman could ride on it much like a hover craft.

The plane section of the New Conning Tower was completely re-design.

The New Conning Tower, while it was just re-deco version of the old toys, gave the Rescue Series a sense of continuity and also instant recognition.  Microman line by this time was pretty aging and Takara probably want a toy that would be recognize by older fans and grab attention of the newer one.   The New Conning Tower  made a very nice addition to any Micro-collection especially next to the original Conning Tower Base.