Acroyear box.
Mecha Acroyear
instruction sheet.
Back View
Here is the back view of Mecha
Acroyear. (Note the missile launchers are taken from Transfer
Fortress /Micronauts - Battle Cruiser toy)
Here is the tank part combine with
Acro-Cannon from Giant Acroyear toy.
And here is the tank
combine with Acro-Jet also from Giant Acroyear. In Japan,
Acro-Cannon and Acro-Jet were sold separately so kids can purchase just
the cannon part or just the tank part of Giant Acroyear.
Takara released Mecha Acroyear during the second half of
1977. Mecha Acroyear is a motorized hybrid tank-mecha that was
build by President Acroyear to combat Robot Machine Z.
Mecha Acroyear
Mecha Acroyear notable feature is that it
can be combine with the already versatile Giant Acroyear to form several
different toys. Mecha Acroyear color scheme also match that of
Giant Acroyear for a seamless combination. It was
unfortunate that Mego never brought Mecha Acroyear over as part of
Micronauts toy line. Mecha Acroyear stands
only about 6" tall and is about the same size as his companion
piece - Giant Acroyear. The toy is fully motorized with real
Mecha Acroyear was definitely build
solely for destruction, he comes with two missile launchers, two laser
guns on his chest (which is movable) and a sub-machine gun for his hand not to
mention caterpillars for feet to run over any thing that get in his
Giant Mecha Acroyear.
Mecha Acroyear combines with legs
from Giant Acroyear. Note how well the colors of the two
toys matched. Mecha Acroyear and Giant Acroyear were designed from
the beginning to be two companion pieces.
(See Also - Giant