In 1975, Takara introduced two new types Microman for
the second year of Microman-Zone. The two types were designated as
M11X Type and M12X Type. Takara also redesign the last year Microman
Zone series and designated them as M10X Type. Takara began to
dissociate the new Microman-Zone series from the Henshin Cyborg and marketed
Microman as a new stand alone series.
For some reason M12X, along with M11X, never appeared
in Microman manga. M12X series were sold in capsule case like the
first Microman series. M12X came with several stickers decoration and
they were the only Microman that displayed their numerical
designation. In early prototype design, Takara gave the M11X and M12X
robot-like head instead of the human head, this probably explain all the
number and alpha designation stickers perhaps they were originally design to
be a robot or android (along the line of Android A from Cyborg series) but
the concept was abandon in favor of making them just a cyborg like the first
series M10X Microman. Each figure was also package with the
"L" shape 5mm connector. The connector was used to seat
Microman to some of the early (1975-76) Microman vehicles and
play-sets. Takara later abandoned the peg system and mold the 5mm
connector right on to the seat of a vehicle.
Takara also sold M122 Michael with Machine Car
vehicle Bull Crane and M124 Max was package with Machine Car - Super
Jet. These two vehicles were sold as Micronauts toys, but instead of
M12X figure, Mego packaged them with Time Traveler figure instead.
M12X, though not very rare, were much sought after by
collectors before Takara re-issue them in 1999 as part of the Replica
Microman Series. The vintage version can be distinguished by better
detail head and darker chrome color. The vintage one also came with
oval numerical designation sticker pre-apply from the factory. (This
sticker, however, tended to be missing from the loose figure)
Microman M12X story
Microman M12X was revived
near the earth crust by Spectrum MX ray send out by the M10X Microman.
The were revived at the same time as the M11X type Microman. M12X body
was influence by the earth crust.
M121 Mason - great
research scientist on natural phenomenon.
M122 Michael - great pilot
and can operate any vehicle with great ease.
M123 Miller - has super
photographic memory
M124 Max - researching the
galaxy. Pilot of Robotman.
M12X Checklist
M121 |
Mason |
Red |
Blue capsule |
M122 |
Michael |
Light blue |
Pink capsule |
M123 |
Miller |
Clear green |
White capsule |
M124 |
Max |
Yellow |
Red capsule |
Takara later repackage M121
Mason and sold him as M003 Uri under New Microman Series banner in 1981.
Takara later replaced him with a black and yellow version of M12X when the
old stock of M121 ran out. Takara also produced exclusive dark blue and
black version M003 as pack-in figure for Micro Robot 7 Four Walker
play-set. (See
also Original Microman Series - 1981 New Microman Series) Takara re-issued M12X type
in 1999 as part of the Replica Microman line. Takara also released
several new color variations including Clear Mode version of M121-M124 and
also all white M12X figure named Microman Snow.
Vintage figures can be
distinguished from the re-issue versions by their darker chrome heads.
There are also minor details difference between the two but these are very
hard to discern unless one compare them side by side. Note the
pre-applied vintage oval decals on the chest of M12X shown above. The trapezoid
decal came from the sticker sheet. The re-issue versions do not come
with these oval shape pre-apply stickers.
(See also
1999 Microman Replica Series - Microman Zone M12X Type)
M12X came with some variations. The
capsule sticker badge were changed from the early version with Microman logo
in green banner to the later more common Microman roundel "MAT" logo design.
The shoulder pieces on the later (post
1978) figures were molded in semi-opaque white plastic instead of the clear
plastic commonly found on most Microman figures.