The missing Micronauts
version and the Spy Boys
While many of the early
were licensed by Mego and sold as Micronauts
toys including the
other half of this Mecha-Cosmo series - the Marine-Copter. Microman
Escargot was sadly never went on sale. The early Micronauts catalogs
showed the toy as part of the initial line-up and was to be call the
Gyrotron. It was unclear why Gyrotron was never release some
speculate this was probably due to complexity and cost.
*(Micronauts catalog
picture and info are courtesy of Dave Waugh at Innerspace On-line).
Takara did however retool
the Escargot and released the toy as Baseball Machines Spy Boy 1 and Spy
Boy 2 as part of the Spy-Magician line-up in 1976 Instead of
snail, the ball shape toys were recolor and convert into mechanical
cartoon baseball players.