design of Death Marck on the first glance seems to be a big departure
from previous years Microman series and certainly from the other
Acroyears, but closer look show that the figure design incorporate many
of the Microman elements such as the chrome head death mask, mechanical
arms and legs along with the ability to combine with vehicle similar to
that of President Acroyear series. The figure while using the magnetic
block design, still manage to keep 5mm port in their back (which can be
use to attach the wing from the jet, the feet contain 5mm port and the
claws also have 5mm port. But that said, the figure is clearly a
signal of the change to come for the Microman series.
Death Marck Story
The Death Marcks are evil
mechanical alien race and servants of Emperor Death King. They
arrive from space to Earth via space station that disguise as Halley's
comet. Their goal is to enslave human by turning people into mechanical
being. Death Marcks launch an attack on Microman Rescue Secret
Base. Microman Blizzard detect the s.o.s. signal and came to aid
Microman against the Death Marcks. |