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The exclusive version included all
the weapons of the regular edition but with smoke clear color.
Clear Robotman Ace
also came with matching clear red signature weapon part.
Takara released clear red
version of Robotman Ace as Toy R Us store exclusive. At
first the idea of another repaint Magne Power Microman toys really didn't
sound all that appealing especially a big figure like the magnemo-11
Robotman series. Robotman Ace, surprisingly was a great
looking repaint. The clear version really made the figure very
different than the regular version and was a really nice addition to the
Magne Power Microman, unlike some other repaint that Takara was putting
out for the line. The clear red Robotman, like the Bom Bom Ghost
Robotman came with a full set of matching clear weapons. The
package was exactly the same as the regular version with just a gold
sticker added to the right corner.