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1999 Magne Powers Microman Exclusive
Loupin and Luosan  Exclusive - Chrome Demon Acroyers with movie poster jig-saw puzzle (7/1999)


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The chrome Acroyears each came with a smoke clear BB.



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Chrome versions of DemonGreen, DemonRed and DemonBlue.

Takara released three set of toys for the Microman Movie Commemorative Series.  The first set was the Chrome Edition of the Magne Powers Microman.   The second was the Chrome Edition of the Demon Acroyears with puzzle, and the third set was anime style Magne Powers Microman.

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The chrome Demon Acroyers movie puzzle was department stores exclusive.  (They were available at Luosan and Loupin).   The puzzle is a movie poster artwork.   The chrome Demon Acroyers are very nice looking.  Like the chrome Microman set, these three really do look good with chrome plated body.