Microman Movie Exclusive Magne
Powers Microman came in the same package as the regular edition but with
magenta sticker to denote that they were the special Movie Editions.
(See Also - Prize
PVC Magne Power Microman with Capsule
Takara released three set of
toys to commemorate the release of Magne Power Microman Movie. The first
set was the Metallic Edition Magne Powers Microman Set, the
second was jig-saw puzzle with Metallic Demon Acroyears,
and the third set was anime style Magne Powers Microman.
The anime versions Magne Power Microman were only available at the movie houses that
were showing the Magne Power Microman movie. The figures were sold
individually at the theater and not as a set. Takara, however, short pack Magne Microman
Edison (since he was the least popular of the five Magne
Microman). This made Microman Edison the hardest one to locate.
Movie Edition Magne
Power Edison was short pack which made him the hardest figure to get in
this set.
Each Anime Edition Magne Power
Microman was done in solid color plastics instead of the clear plastics
found on the regular versions. The plastics also had metallic
flakes which made them glitter slightly. Movie Edition Magne
Arthur came in red with silver trim instead of white which actually look
very nice with the bright red body. Izam came in pearl white with
light purple trim. Walter came in dark blue with light blue
trim. Odin came in dark gray body with orange trim. The
heads were fully painted in anime style.
The Anime Edition heads,
though looked very similar to the key-chain capsule PVC
versions, were actually came from different molds. The heads were
made to be
smaller than the chrome head to simulate the fact they were not wearing
the helmets, however this made the figures appeared to be slightly out
of proportion.