captain rex - sneak peek (hasbro)
a "clean" armor version of captain rex is
the sneak peek
mail-away figure available direct from hasbro. the promotion was
offer inside the final wave of TAC star wars line in early 2008.
the packaging also has special "3D" fold out display background.
clone trooper senate security
senate security clone trooper was sold as 2008 SDCC
by (on-line store). the figure is also
available on-line. senate security are elite units under the command of
commander thire (65th shocktrooper legion) in charge of security for the
capital city. this figure comes packaged in hasbro star wars
clamshell case.
commander fox (target)
commander fox is target exclusive figure sold as part
of launch promotion for the clone wars line. fox is part of commando
team that help padme during her "negotiation" with ziro the hutt.
this figure comes packaged inside hasbro star wars protective case.
holographic general grievous (toysrus)
toysrus offered special holographic (clear blue)
version of animated general grevious as part of the launch day
promotion. the figure is identical to the figure from wave 1.
this is the only figure in the exclusive line up that is not a clone
clone trooper 501st legion (wal-mart)
clone trooper 501st legion was offered by wal-mart
as part of the clone wars launch day promotion. the package include special
501st identification card. (this was done to honor the works of
real life 501st legion - a star wars fan group that do charitable work
by dressing up as star wars characters)