2010 the vintage collection target exclusive special action figures set (10.10)



the vintage collection



special action figures set

hoth rebels set

  han solo

  hoth rebel trooper

  fx-7 medical droid


bespin alliance set

  bespin wing guard

  lando calrissian

  luke skywalker (bespin gear)


imperial set


  at-at driver

  tie fighter pilot



2010 the vintage collection special action figures set


one of the more interesting release in 2010 for the vintage collection line is this oversize packaging of nine figures set.  the set is exclusive to target store, and the set comes with three separate set of three figures packaged in replica of the original 1980's "special" box set that kenner sold as value pack assortment.  the special set contains hoth rebels, bespin alliance and imperial all in a large cardboard display.  the set prove to be quite a success despite the price point and the large size and target is planning to offer set 2 in the spring of 2011.


special action figure set 1 - the empire strikes back


the large cardboard display is really long and measured almost 3 feet across.  the three box set sit inside the display box and look quite impressive on the shelf (that if you can find room for it).  the figures in the set are appropriately repackaged of figures from the past years (they were not necessary sold on vintage collection cards).  the first set has the empire strikes back box to commemorate the 30th anniversary.


hoth rebels set


the hoth rebels includes hood-up version of han solo in hoth gear, hoth rebel trooper and medical droid fx-7.   han solo is from the 2008 droid factory series, hoth soldier is from 2008 legacy collection and fx-7 is from 2001 power of the jedi line (it's probably the oldest mold of all the repack figures in this set).


bespin alliance set


this set includes bespin wing guard, lando calrissian and luke skywalker in his bespin outfit.  bespin wing guard is repackaged of 2009 cloud city wing guard figure, lando comes from 2007 vintage original trilogy collection and luke is from the recent 2010 vintage collection.


imperial set


the imperial set includes 4-lom, at-at driver and tie fighter pilot.  4-lom is from 2007 30th anniversary collection line, both at-at driver and tie pilot are from 2009 legacy collection series.



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