2007 ORDER 66 - 2 of 6 mace windu & galactic marine (target exclusive)



30th anniversary collection 2007




















order 66 #2 of 6 - 30th anniversary collection


mace windu and galactic marine two-packs is the 2nd set in order 66 series.


mace windu

mace is repack of 2005 episode 3 ROTS figure but now the figure includes a real cloth cloak. the cloak helps hide the unsightly joints and really help spiff up the figure. the figure has decent articulations and with decent likeness. probably not the ultimate mace but he is not bad.


galactic marine

galactic marine is a repaint of the galactic marine figure from the 2007 TAC (the 30th anniversary collection) basic figure line. the figure has nice articulations with several ball joint parts,  however the slightly bended legs sculpt and a stiff vinyl skirt makes some of the posing a bit difficult. the clone's helmet is removable and so is the backpack. unlike the galactic marine from TAC #2 which is mostly purple, the white color scheme of order 66 version make the figure looks more like the successor  - the imperial snowtrooper.

above - TAC-02 galactic marine




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