the vintage collections
wave 14 (3)
revenge of the sith
vc97 odd ball (clone pilot)
a new hope
vc98 grand moff tarkin
return of the jedi
vc99 nikto (skiff guard)
expanded universe (sw:fu2)
vc100 galen malek (starkiller)
expanded universe (sw:tor)
vc101 shae vizla (bounty
2012 the vintage collection wave 14
after the make-up wave that finish up the delayed
figures from last year series, hasbro follow up with the actual third
wave of 2012. the line up included two figures from expanded
universe along with the long awaited moff tarkin on vintage style card.
revenge of the sith
vc97 odd ball (clone pilot)
this is all new update figure of clone pilot from
revenge of the sith. the pilot come with removable helmet.
interestingly hasbro decided to make this a unique figure of odd ball
instead of just generic clone.
a new hope
vc98 grand moff tarkin
this is definitely one of the long over due figure to
be added to the vintage collection. tarkin is all new figure while
some might not like the added soft good to his uniforms overall he is an
excellent figure.
return of the jedi
vc99 nikto (skiff guard)
this is brand new figure of yet another jabb's
denizens. he makes an excellent addition to the skiff guard team
and nikto species.
expanded universe (star wars : the force
unleashed 2)
vc100 starkiller (vader's apprentice)
this is brand new figure of starkiller from the force
unleashed 2 game. while hasbro did release several figure of galen
malek (starkiller), this is the first time the figure is available on
vintage collection card.
expanded universe (star wars : the
old republic)
vc101 shae vizla (old republic's
bounty hunter)
this is the 2nd figure from star wars the old
republic game. shae vizla is a bounty hunter hire by malgus to assault
the jedi temple. this is another nice addition to the expanded
universe line.
assortment 3
1x vc28 wedge antilles (return of the jedi)
1x vc51 barriss offee (attack of the clones)
1x vc53 bom vimdim (star wars)
1x vc87 luke skywalker, jedi origin (return of the jedi)
1x vc93 darth vader (star wars)
1x vc95 luke skywalker, hoth gear (the empire strikes back)
1x vc96 darth malgus (the old republic, expanded universe)
1x vc97 odd ball (clone pilot) (revenge of the sith)
1x vc98 grand moff tarkin (star wars)
1x vc99 nikto (skiff guard) (return of the jedi)
1x vc100 starkiller (vader's apprentice) (expanded universe - force
1x vc101 shae vizla (bounty hunter) (expanded universe- the old republic)
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