2010 the vintage collection wave 3 return of the jedi (12.10)



the vintage collection



wave 3

return of the jedi

vc20 yoda (the jedi master)

vc21 gamorrean guard

vc22 admiral ackbar

vc23 luke skywalker (jedi knight)

vc24 wooof

vc25 r2-d2

vc26 rebel commando

vc27 wicket

vc28 wedge antilles




2010 the vintage collection wave 3 return of the jedi


wave 3 of 2010 vintage series features characters from return of the jedi, the last movie of the original trilogy. this series has some of the best figures the vintage collection has to offer and they are all brand new sculpts. the wave originally suppose to include vc20 yoda and vc28 wedge antilles but both were delayed. vc20 yoda is revised and released in 2011 with wave 5 (wave 1 for 2011) while vc28 only see limited release as part of wave 3 revision case. 


vc21 gamorrean guard


this is all new figure and one of the most popular with collectors and fans. the figure has nice fur cloth part and excellent likeness.  hasbro has done superb job with most of the aliens in the vintage line and pig guard is one of the finest. the card back is a replica of the original from 1985.


vc22 admiral ackbar


this is also another brand new figure and another excellent figure for this wave and the vintage line. cardback for this figure is also replica of the original kenner vintage line.


vc23 luke skywalker (jedi knight outfit)


this is also brand new figure of luke skywalker however while the cardback is from jabba's palace scene the figure is from the later luke in final duel with his father.  hasbro later changed the cardback and make this figure "endor's capture" version.


vc24 wooof (klaatu)


a long await figure update of the vintage figure and another excellent addition for the vintage collection. the figure comes with nice cloth outfit and near perfect sculpt.  the cardback is also replica of the original klaatu (wooof is the name of this particular character, klaatu is actually the specie name) figure from 1985 line.


vc25 r2-d2


this is another brand new figure of r2-d2 depicting him as jabba's prisoner serving as sail bark's bartender. though the back of the card claim this is the first time bartender r2-d2 is made available, hasbro actually did this version of the droid back in 2004.  this figure is however comes with many more accessories including pop-up sensor scope and also pop-up lightsaber.  the cardback picture is all new and not the pop-up lightsaber nor the sensor scope version from 1980's.  it seems hasbro wants to make this the ultimate version that encompass both figure.


vc26 rebel commando


another excellent update figure of rebel commando.  the figure has excellent sculpt and comes complete with cloth trench coat and removable helmet.  the only draw back is the fact that hasbro decided to put facial hair on this particular figure and thus render him useless for army-building.


vc27 wicket


this is another all new figure of wicket and the first ewok to appear in the vintage collection.  to make up for the small size, hasbro include extra accessories which is a nod to wicket appearance in tv animated series.


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