SOUCHAKU-HENSHIN KAMEN RIDER SERIES SH Masked Rider Agito Series GD-32 Masked Rider Gills (HK Released) c.2002 |
MASKED RIDER GILLS Souchaku Henshin Series Kamen Rider Gills was originally released by Bandai Japan as GD-32 Chogokin SH Series Agito Set No.3 in 2001. The same figure was reissued by Bandai-Asia a year later in a smaller packaging with some of the "extras" omitted to lower the price point. Bandai HK later went on to produce Exceed Gills variant along with other G3 variants that were never produced by Bandai Japan. Masked Rider Gills organic looks with organic weapons protruding from his body was really not my favorite design at first. However, I have grown to like Gills designs and really like the organic beetle armors looks that he seem to possessed. I was never too clear to me in the show but Gills was also an Agito person whose power has awaken and he was able to henshin just like Masked Rider Agito and Masked Rider Another Agito. Gills character, Ryuu, was the opposite of Shoichi (Agito), and he was portrayed as the angry and moody Riders and even in his Masked Riders formed scream a lot. (The mouth piece actually open in the TV show). This SH version was a very good representation of Gills in his initial form. (He later power-up to Exceed version). The figure came with die-cast and plastic armors nicely painted in metallic green colors along with several wrist armor accessories so he can be display with his weapon extended. (Trust me, I am still getting used to Masked Riders with organic weapons protruding out of him). |
Unmasked Mode Like other SH Riders figures, the human body underneath can look out of proportion and was solely intended for display with the "cloth" (Rider's Armor) on. The core body was similar style body used since the original Saint Seiya Cloth line which made it a little dated by today standard. However, this was one of the aspect that drawn me to this line. The ability to "henshin" into the Rider form made the SH figure a lot like small version of Henshin Cyborg and RAH costume hero. The figure can be display with the "masked" removed and show a human head that slightly resemble Ryuu from the TV show. Like other Souchaku Henshin, the armor pieces can be removed to reveal a standard core body. Weapon Accessories Gills came packaged with multiple wrist armors so he can be displayed with his various weapon extended (Gills Claw and Gills Fila whip). The figure also came with extra mask with the shrunken horn version. (Damage Gills)