
four Secret Breasters have the same artwork on the front of blister

Takara finally included a new LED catalog with Secret Breaster Microman. However, the catalog is just a
small fold out type and not the booklet style like the other two

Each Secret Breaster Microman comes
with a full set of LED weapons in silver. (However, they do not
include the Master Microman weapons - Magne Stag & Z-

Spy Arthur Energy Pack

Ninja Izam Energy Pack

Sniper Walt Energy Pack

Command Odin Energy
The solid colors on the Energy Pack
really bring out the find details on these backpacks.
Secret Breaster (Breastplate) Microman are repaint
version of L-1 to L-4 Laser Microman. Each figure come with a
heat-sensitive paint on the chest which when rub or expose to heat
would reveals a "secret" mission color. There are four
different "secret" colors for each figure. One can tell
which color is inside the package by looking near the UPC code on the
back of the package. Next to the UPC code is a small color dot sticker
which correspond to the "secret" chest
While the heat-sensitive paint gimmick is rather
uninspiring, the repaint figures, to my surprise, are actually very nice
looking. Each figure comes in more subdue tone and reminds me of
the "Real Type" Microman from later 1980 New Microman
line. The "secret" color changing chest is black when at
normal room temperature. For the chest to change color, one has to
really give it a good rub but even then the color change can be pretty
uneven. To get the full effect, I find that you must expose
the figure to heat (i.e. let them sit in the sun) and the chest will
change to a very vibrant color and even stay change for a long period of
L-17 Ninja Izam
Ninja Izam comes in tan color with
metallic purple highlight. His shoulder pads and shin guards are
done in the same dull brass/gold tone as Spy Arthur. Ninja Izam,
interestingly, comes with red color bulb instead of the usual clear
bulb. Each Secret Breaster comes with silver LED Powers weapon set and a
matching color Energy Pack.
Takara split the Secret Breaster into two
separate releases; L-16 & L-17 were released in June and L-18 &
L19 were released in July along with L-20 Micro Truck which includes Secret
Breaster Pilot Edison.

L-19 Command Odin
L-16 Spy Arthur
Spy Arthur is done in very nice dark gray
tone. His chest is highlight by metallic red. His shoulders and
shins are in dull gold/brass tone which give the figure that combat
armor-like look. Another interesting about the Secret Breaster is
that it confirms a fact that these new Microman are wearing body armor
and they can change them much like changing into a new set of cloth.
(This concept of Microman changing outfit came from 1981 New Microman
since in the original 1974 series different color Microman would mean a
different character.) In the new catalog, one panel did depict
Master Microman Solomon working on a Secret Breaster suit.

L-18 Sniper Walt
Sniper Walt is dark navy
blue-gray with dark metallic blue highlight. His shoulders,
shin guards and hands are done in dull brass/gold color like Spy Arthur
and Ninja Izam. What really sets Sniper Walt apart from the rest
of Secret Breasts and LED Powers is that he come with yellow LED bulb
that emits yellow light.
Command Odin is light olive
green color with copper highlight around his chest. His
shoulders, shin guards and hands are in dull brass/gold color like the
previous three Secret Breasters. Command Odin also have orange
color LED bulb which emit orange light.
I have to admit that I
really was not all that excited about Secret Breaster Microman, though I
still find color changing gimmicks rather weak, the new "real
type" color schemes on Arthur and the gang really set these figures
apart from all the previous re-paints of both Magne Power and LED Power