always like the original idea of having the Mini-Cons combined to form Star
Saber, however while the concept was good the execution left a lot to be
desire. The Air Defense Team color scheme and their tendency to fall apart was
a real disappointment. Even though
Energon Saber was in essence a repaint of Armada Star Saber Air Defense Team,
the retooling of the molds and the new color scheme made it into a much better
set of Transformers toys. I highly recommended Energon Saber even if they were
just last year Armada gimmick since this time Hasbro and Takara really got
them right. However, if you still not keen on seeing three planes stuck
together being sold as Energon Saber then there was always Superlink Kicker,
which not only give you cool Microman figure as Kicker, it also included
chromed Energon Saber that really look like a sword. Below
- Ironhide, the current wielder of Energon Saber