Amazon Acroyears came package in
window packaging similar to the Servo-Man. The box was done in
light green color for the Acroyears instead of the typical light blue
Rescue design. The box feature an artwork of Amazon Acroyear (red) and
the three Amazon Monsters done by Mr. Moritou (Microman manga
Back View
Amazon Acroyear used the basic body
mold of President Acroyear but with new chest piece design.
President Acroyear and Amazon were the only Acroyear designs that did
not have die-cast body part.
Amazon Acroyer came with several
accessories including matching clear weapon Mad Spear, matching clear
figure stand and wing pack. The wing pack connected to the figure
using small 5mm plug which able the wing to spin like propeller.
The wing can be attach to either the front or the back of the
figure. The plug also came in matching color with the figure body
Red Commander with Cutter Wing used
as shield.
Right - Amazon Acroyears with their
staff weapons - the Mad Spears. The spears were mold in matching
clear plastic colors as their heads.
Amazon Acroyears were released in 1979 as
part of the Rescue Microman series. Amazon were probably the
most unusual of all Acroyears. The body itself actually came from
a retooled President Acroyear A32X mold but Takara included all new accessories along with
sidekick vinyl figures called the Amazon Monsters.
One of the most obvious changed of the Amazon were their heads. Each figure had clear color plastic head
instead of the typical Microman chrome style head. The head was also
unlike any of the previous Acroyear nor Arden heads. Beside the clear
head, each figure also came with matching clear figure stand and clear spear
weapon called Mad Spear. The figures also came with flower-like wing
call Cutter Wing. The wing featured colorful sticker patterns and it
can be spin like a propeller, which created psychedelic pattern especially
when one look through their clear heads. While Amazon body was
pretty much the same as President, the chest had been re-designed with new
chrome plate chest piece with 5mm port (much like Arden.) The Cutter
Wing can be plug into the chest and act as a shield for Amazon Acroyear.
There was a reason why Amazon Acroyears had President Acroyear
bodies. According to the Rescue Microman catalog, President
Acroyears were re-built by the Ardens into Amazon Acroyears.
Amazon Acroyears' colorful Cutter Wings
Along with new accessories, each Amazon
Acroyear came with a monster sidekick. The sidekick Amazon Monsters
were simple vinyl doll type figures. The vinyl doll style gave these
figure appearance of organic-like monster creature similar to monsters on
live TV show like Masked Rider or Power Ranger. A371 Blue Amazon came
with blue fly-like creature named Mushikeller. A372 Red Amazon came
with orange piranha-like creature named Tokageras. A373 Green Amazon
came with green lagoon monster-like creature named Urokoman.
Because of their unusual looks, and great accessories,
Amazon Acroyears had became one of the more sought after Acroyears figures
from the Rescue Series. This, coupled with the fact that these figures
came out at the end of original Microman line, made them one of the harder
to locate vintage Microman toys.
(See also MicroDesign 1976
President Acroyear A32X Type)
Amazon Acroyear Story
In an attempt to build "Acrotopia",
the Acroyears and Ardens destroyed and depleted earth natural resources by
using the newly created Amazon Monsters. Ardens reconstructed
President Acroyears into Amazon Commander for leading the new army of Amazon
Microman Police Keeper discovered that
Amazon Acroyears and their Amazon Monsters were responsible for the
destruction of earth resources. Microman began to accelerate the
construction of their Mt. Fuji Rescue Secret Base and created the new Rescue
Crew Microman. Microman Rescue Crew, escorted by Microman Police
Keeper were assigned to various earth geographically setting in an attempt
to stop Amazon Acroyears and their minions from plundering earth resources
and to stop their plan of building the Acrotopia.
Amazon Acroyear's Cross-section
- 1 Crystal Head
- 2 Cutter Wing
- 3 Mad Spear
- 4 Death-Mad (Power Source)
- 5 Amazon Geyser (Chest Weapon)
- 6 Punch Device
- 7 Nerve Device
A371 Blue Amazon Command & Amazon
Monster Mushikeller
A372 Red Amazon Commander & Amazon
Monster Tokageras.
A373 Green Amazon Commander & Amazon
Monster Urokoman